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List Novels (Dreams) 11 Results
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Where dreams, whether being in them or the messages they contain play a major part in the story or world the character live in. E.G. the MC gains knowledge he otherwise wouldn't have from a dream or if what happens in the dream the MC has affects real life.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1A World Worth ProtectingWeb Novel20181445/1457
2Ballad of Ten Thousand GuWeb NovelN/ACompleted(5)
3Carefree Path of DreamsWeb Novel2017Completed(1183)
4Circle of InevitabilityWeb Novel2023738/600
5Genius WarlockWeb Novel2021437/634
6Grasping EvilWeb Novel2013833/1243
7I'm Really Not the Demon God's LackeyWeb Novel2020456/457
8Nightmare’s CallWeb Novel2019586/926
9Reverend InsanityWeb Novel2012Completed(2334)
10The Dreamer in the Spring BoudoirWeb Novel2014Completed(510)
11WMWWeb Novel2015Completed(1200)