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List Novels (Criminals) 10 Results
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Characters engage in acts that are illegal or may be perceived or interpreted as harmful to others.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1A Black Market LitRPGWeb Novel2023150/200
2Etsusa BridgeLight Novel2003Completed(55)
3FFF-Class Trashero-NovelWeb Novel2018442/428
4God of CrimeWeb Novel2015Completed(164)
5Heroes of MarvelWeb Novel20171055/1205
6My Iyashikei GameWeb Novel2021853/850
7My Werewolf SystemWeb Novel2021861/500
8Power and WealthWeb Novel20111551/1474
9Return of the Frozen PlayerWeb Novel2019645/600
10Super Detective in the Fictional WorldWeb NovelN/A2232/2158