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List Novels (Chefs) 10 Results
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This tag should be ONLY used when the protagonist or another one's main occupation is a chef. Story is specifically focus on cooking in detail.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Daddy Fantasy World RestaurantWeb Novel20172490/2489
2Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai KyusoukyokuWeb Novel2013649/667
3God of CookingWeb Novel2015651/733
4Gourmet Food SupplierWeb Novel2016Completed(2734)
5Gourmet of Another WorldWeb Novel2016Completed(1851)
6I Was a Sword When I ReincarnatedWeb Novel20151268/968
7I am a Chef in the Modern EraWeb Novel2016Completed(125)
8Magic Chef of Ice and FireWeb Novel2006171/256
9Main Character Hides His StrengthWeb Novel2016273/349
10The Farm Is Like a BrocadeWeb Novel2016744/732