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Scholar’s Advanced Technological System (Web Novel)


After suffering from a heat stroke while working under the scorching heat of summer, Lu Zhou, a hardworking but poor university student, somehow becomes the owner of an advanced technological system. With the cheat given by the system, his university life changes overnight.

A Master’s degree? Easy.

PhD? Not a problem.

From a nobody, he quickly becomes a huge celebrity in the world of science. With the missions given by the system, he is on his way to winning a Nobel Prize.

“System, can points be exchanged for money?”


“F**k, what use are you then!?”

“This system will make you the ultimate scholar, the kind that lords over all of humanity. What use will money be to you?”

Rating 3.8/5 (9 votes)

09 days 01h 35m 28s. (217 hours) • 13604 • 2020-10-09 14:22:27

Chapters (1682/1682)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
