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Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms (Web Novel)


In a world of shallow-minded, materialistic mortals, what would one from humble beginnings – whose face had been stomped on, spat on, oppressed for the longest while by the arrogant, pampered upper echelons of society – do, when a mysterious application pops up on a brand new phone that was meant to be the birthday gift of an ungrateful girlfriend? What if the application takes the form of a chatroom where its occupants, bearing the names of mythical, fictional beings, start giving out ‘Red Packets’, all the while spouting nonsense?

Rating 2.9/5 (11 votes)

25 days 13h 05m 01s. (613 hours) • 14089 • 2019-05-04 14:35:29

Chapters (4890/3521)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
