Random Novel
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Divine Brilliance (Web Novel)

Associated Names:





Kai Huang


Zong Shou is a player of the historical VRMMORPG “God Emperor,” and him being one of the “Seven Emperors” within the game.

For unknown reasons, Zong Shou finds himself transmigrated into the past, a period just before the “God Emperor” game history started! Possessing the weak body of a monster princeling in the process.

Zong Shou adventure describes his struggles to stay afloat in a merciless environment, and rising up despite all adversities, of course, surrounded by beauties along the way.

Rating 3.3/5 (4 votes)

08 days 18h 21m 19s. (210 hours) • 15478 • 2019-05-16 12:17:16

Chapters (1228/1250)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
