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Ascendance of a Bookworm (Web Novel)


Urano, a bookworm who had finally found a job as a librarian at a university, was sadly killed shortly after graduating from college. She was reborn as the daughter of a soldier in a world where the literacy rate is low and books were scarce. No matter how much she wanted to read, there were no books around. What is a bookworm to do without any books? Make them, of course. Her goal is to become a librarian! So that she may once again live surrounded by books, she must start by making them herself.

Rating 4.3/5 (4 votes)

02 days 16h 59m 00s. (64 hours) • 21369 • 2019-02-13 00:04:24

Chapters (218/677)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
